I am not sure what this is yet will update title when i do <3

Sometimes i wonder if i have adhd or ocd or something. I'm not sure what i have but i feel as though it is something. because i have, like, symptoms and stuff. and my friends tell me that they think its possible or that i do have it. but I'm not really sure what good that will do me currently. if i figure out thats what i have, then cool. but what do i do then. to be honest i feel like nothing would really change. because i can't get like, super good medical care for mental health stuff or anything, at least not for a good while. so what good would it do me? just to know? maybe it would help. because one thing i think about sometimes is like. what if i don't have anything, and im just like this. like it is just something that i need to figure out personally in my mind, its not addressable by therapy or drugs or whatever. i dont know i've always had this idea that there was a solution? i guess, that would help me. but its just scary to think that it is just a me thing, that its just what everybody experiences and gets over, and i'm just not cut out for it.
